Parlier USD Parent Conference Event Attached Files Flyer English.pdf OVI Vasquez Show Transcript dear parents of our beautiful city Parlier I would like to invite you on February 9th at 6 p.m. to join us in Parlier High School where I would be sharing and motivational style story for you to learn how me movie basket went from working in the fields to getting on TV and working for big tech companies in a competition my dreams so that you can leverage these strategies to help your students be inspired and motivated to achieve their dreams to now this presentation specifically designed for you parents at 6 p.m. on February 9th will motivate our students on another day in another time but for you February 9th 6 p.m. I can't wait to meet you there going to be fun it's going to be well worth it going to be fulfilled with tools strategies and inside how we can help our students succeed in school and life I can't wait to meet you see you in Parlier High School February 9th at 6 p.m. I can't wait to see you there